Wart Off Stick is for the treatment of common (Verruca vulgaris) and plantar warts. Wart Off Stick is used to safely and effectively treat common (Verruca vulgaris) or plantar warts, it is suitable for children and adults with common (Verruca vulgaris) or plantar warts.
The benfits of this product include:
- Suitable for both children and adults.
- Easy to Use.
- No messy liquids.
Salicylic acid 400 mg/g (40% w/w).
How To Use
Wash affected area. Soak wart in warm water for 5 minutes to soften the skin. Dry area thoroughly. Cover the top of the wart only with a thin layer of Wart Off Stick. Avoid contact with surrounding skin. Cover the wart with a waterproof plaster, so it does not breathe. Do not leave the wart uncovered. Wash hands thoroughly. Repeat once daily until the wart has cleared.
For external use only. Always read the label. If symptoms persist, worsen or change unexpectedly, talk to your healthcare professional.