Original Body Essential silicea Gel is the hair, skin and nails supplement that started the silica colloidal mineral industry over 50 years ago. It has been relied upon worldwide for quality and purity. Importantly, it does not contain any preservatives or additives due to a specialised manufacturing process that has been perfected over many years. Original Body Essential silicea Gel is unique compared to other liquid silica supplements in the world. It is a true colloidal gel of natural silica in which miniscule BIOAVAILABLE particles are so finely dispersed that a thick non-sedimentary gel is formed. When applied topically the gel soothes minor injuries and skin irritations, mild acne and psoriasis. Post-pregnancy is an especially important time to look after your body.
The benfits of this product include:
- No preservatives or additives.
- The small size of the particles allow for easy absorption.
- Assists in supporting connective tissue, helping smooth the skin, diminish the appearance of wrinkles in ageing skin, maintain elasticity and improve the condition of hair and nails.
Active ingredient: Silicon dioxide 28 mg/mL equiv. silicon 13.1 mg/mL
How To Use
Oral application: As a dietary supplement to support skin, hair and nails & to maintain elasticity of the skin. Adults and children over 12 years of age take 1 tablespoon (15 mL by metric meaure) duly diluted in water or juice. Customers often mix with water or juice in the morning. Do not drink directly from the bottle as this may cause contamination and reduce the effective use-by date. Topical application: to assist in the symptomatic relief of mild to moderate acne – Dab onto the affected area. For large pored or greasy skin Body Essential silicea Gel can be used also as a face mask. Body Essential silicea Gel may also assist in the relief of the effects of psoriasis on the skin and to help soothe minor wounds. Apply Body Essential silicea Gel by using a cotton ball to dab silicea Gel onto the affected area and allow to soak for 5-10 minutes. It is recommended to dispense a small quantity into a separate clean container to avoid contamination of the bottle. The skin tension which occurs is normal and supports the effect. Afterwards, wash off with water.